August 06, 2024
Discover how OpenAI’s new AI Search tool aims to transform the search engine landscape. Learn about the challenges and opportunities in AI search, and how OpenAI’s innovative approach could set a new standard.

OpenAI is set to release a new AI Search tool, positioning itself to rival Google and Bing. This development sparks a crucial conversation about the future of search engines and the role of AI in enhancing search capabilities. As a frequent user of Google Search, Bing's GPT integration, and Perplexity, I've gathered insights into the strengths and weaknesses of these platforms. Additionally, I've been developing my APIs to search and summarise content, which offers a unique perspective on the potential of AI in this domain.

This post will explore the relationship between Microsoft and OpenAI, the flaws in current search algorithms, OpenAI's innovative approach, my experimentation with AI search, and the future implications of AI-driven search tools.


the Microsoft and Openai logo in battle


Microsoft and OpenAI: A Powerful Alliance

Microsoft has invested heavily in OpenAI, primarily providing computing power instead of direct financial investment. This partnership has been crucial for OpenAI, allowing it to operate on a scale that would otherwise be financially unsustainable. Microsoft is not just investing money but is also building new data centres and purchasing GPUs from NVIDIA. This significant investment influences the stock market, underscoring the high stakes involved.


However, despite these resources, Bing's GPT summary search function has been underwhelming. The primary issue seems to be how data is captured, interpreted, and displayed. Bing's AI search relies heavily on SEO-optimised content, often leading to subpar results. This reliance on SEO can create a feedback loop where the most optimised content, not necessarily the most accurate, rises to the top. This flaw highlights a fundamental issue in search algorithms and sets the stage for OpenAI's potential innovations.


The Flaws in Current Search Algorithms

Bing and Google suffer from the same critical flaw: reliance on SEO-optimised content. This dependency means heavily SEOed articles dominate search results, regardless of their quality or relevance. As a result, users often encounter a plethora of low-quality, repetitive information.


Google's search results have deteriorated in quality, a trend many users have noticed. This decline can be attributed to Google's attempts to integrate AI and the overwhelming impact of SEO on search rankings. The focus on SEO has led to a scenario where search engines prioritise optimisation over content quality. This degradation affects the effectiveness of AI search tools that depend on these flawed algorithms.


OpenAI's Approach: A New Hope?

The pivotal question is whether OpenAI has developed its comprehensive web index and ranking system. If OpenAI merely relies on Bing's search results, it will likely face the same quality issues. However, if OpenAI has scraped the internet to build a unique index, it could leverage its advanced language models to analyse and summarise content.


This approach could significantly improve search result relevance and accuracy. OpenAI's models could analyse content, fact-check, and generate summaries, providing users with higher-quality answers. While this method is resource-intensive, it can potentially revolutionise AI search by addressing the core issues of current SEO-driven search engines.


a man standing behind a robot, the robot is sitting at a table with lots of open encyclopedias on the table.


Personal Experimentation with AI Search

In my project with BetterCast, I used AI to process video transcripts from conference sessions. I fine-tuned a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) model by creating a question-and-answer format. This method generated numerous questions from the transcript data and used AI to formulate corresponding answers. The resulting Q&A pairs were used to fine-tune the RAG model, enhancing its ability to retrieve relevant information.


This experiment demonstrated that a more sophisticated data analysis and retrieval approach could yield higher-quality outputs than traditional search methods. Applying a similar concept to a search database could significantly improve the performance of AI search tools. However, this method requires substantial computational resources and time, posing a challenge for widespread implementation.


The Future of AI Search

I've registered for OpenAI's search tool and am keen to test its capabilities. While I use GPT daily, Perplexity is a reliable alternative for accurate answers despite its subscription model. Services like can aggregate and summarise search results from multiple sources, similar to Perplexity's approach. These services highlight the potential for AI to enhance search capabilities by providing more relevant and concise answers.


The success of OpenAI's search tool will depend on its ability to overcome the limitations of current SEO-driven search engines. If OpenAI can develop a more sophisticated indexing and analysis system, it could set a new standard for search engines. This advancement would significantly shift the search engine landscape, offering users a more reliable and efficient search experience.



The introduction of OpenAI's AI Search tool represents a promising development in the search engine market. OpenAI could address the prevalent issues in current search algorithms by leveraging a more advanced indexing and analysis system. As this tool becomes available, it will be fascinating to see how it performs and whether it can offer a more reliable and efficient search experience than its competitors. This evolution in AI search tools can significantly enhance how we find and interact with information online.

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