September 08, 2023
This in-depth guide explores how small businesses can leverage AI tools to automatically generate new website copy, optimize existing content, and personalize visitor experiences.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up new possibilities for enhancing and automating content creation. Small businesses can now leverage AI tools to improve their website content in numerous ways. This allows small teams to increase productivity and scale content operations.

Generating New Website Copy 

AI content writing tools allow small businesses to automate website copy creation. This saves time and resources compared to manual writing.

Blog Posts

AI blog writing tools like Jasper and ContentBrain can research topics and generate complete blog posts. This provides a constant stream of fresh, optimized content.

  • Formulate blog post topics and headlines 
  • Research the topic using the internet and internal data
  • Produce blog copy with an introduction, body text, and conclusion
  • Insert images and media to complement the text
  • Ensure proper tone, voice and formatting


Product Descriptions 

Detailed and compelling product descriptions are vital for e-commerce. AI copy generators like and Elephas can create unique product descriptions at scale.

  • Analyze product attributes like features, materials, uses, etc.
  • Generate paragraphs summarizing the product and highlighting benefits
  • Include relevant keywords and phrases to optimize pages for search  
  • Create bulleted lists of product specifications and details
  • Maintain brand voice and style throughout the descriptions

Website Pages

AI can draft all types of website copy beyond blogs and products. This includes pages like About Us, Services, Contact, FAQs, etc.

  • Study the company and offerings to reflect them accurately
  • For About Us pages, synthesize company history, mission, values, and team details
  • Describe services, capabilities and differentiators for Service pages
  • Generate directions, office hours, contact forms for Contact pages
  • Analyze existing questions to create FAQ content

AI Benefits

  • Produce copious amounts of fresh, original copy 
  • Consistent quality and optimization for SEO
  • Alleviate writer's block and burnout Repurpose content across platforms

Optimizing Existing Content

In addition to creating new copy, AI can optimize and improve existing website content.

Refreshing Old Content

Website content can go stale over time. AI tools can update old blogs and pages by:

  • Evaluating outdated statistics, facts, and references
  • Conducting new research to swap outdated info with the latest data  
  • Rewriting awkward phrasing and improving word choices
  • Adding new sections to freshen up the content flow and structure
  • Inserting new images, quotes, examples and infographics

This produces refreshed content optimized for current readers and searches.

Analyzing Readability

AI applications like Grammarly and Hemingway analyze existing copy to improve readability. They check for:

  • - Long, complex sentences that should be shortened 
  • - Overused passive voice that can be converted to active 
  • - Foggy sections that can be clarified with clearer language
  • - Text with high reading level that should be simplified
  • - Grammar and spelling errors to correct

Checking Optimization

Tools like MarketMuse and Frase use AI to evaluate how optimized existing content is. They identify: 

  • - Missed keyword opportunities to increase visibility  
  • - Current content issues hurting SEO rankings
  • - Low-quality sections that need improvement
  • - Top performing sections to build on
  • - Competitor content outranking your pages

This allows targeted refinements to boost traffic and conversions.

Personalizing Content

AI enables small businesses to deliver personalized content experiences.


Dynamic Text Insertion 

Tools like can populate content with dynamic, personalized text. This includes:

  • - Visitor names 
  • - Location and company details
  • - Past purchases and browsing history
  • - Content recommendations based on interests

Personalized content performs better by engaging visitors directly.

Automated Chatbots

AI chatbots like Ada and Smooch provide 24/7 personalized support via chat. They can:

  • Answer basic questions using a knowledge database
  • Provide tailored content recommendations 
  • Route complex issues to human reps
  • Capture visitor data to further personalize communication

This delivers individualized assistance that nurtures leads.

AI Benefits

  • Make content relatable by addressing visitors directly
  • Drive conversions with hyper-relevant recommendations 
  • Provide consistent support that builds trust  

In conclusion

To recap, AI can improve small business website content in the following ways:

  • Automatically generate new copy for blogs, product pages and more
  • Refresh old content by updating facts and stats and optimizing readability
  • Analyze existing content to identify issues hurting SEO and traffic 
  • Personalize content for each visitor using dynamic text and chatbots

Investing in AI content solutions allows small teams to produce more high-quality website copy with less effort. This frees up internal resources while fueling business growth through better discoverability and conversions.

The key is choosing intuitive AI tools that integrate smoothly into existing content workflows. Monitoring content quality and providing ongoing supervision is also recommended. But overall, AI presents transformative opportunities for supercharging small business website content.

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